Why can the law not save us?
Much discussion is had about the law and its place in our salvation. While many Christians will gladly say “‘amen” to the biblical truth of salvation by grace through faith, what about the law? Can it not also save us? The Bible’s answer is “no.” Here are some passages that explore the relationship between the…
Can a person be saved through general revelation?
General revelation can be defined as “the revelation of God to all people, at all times, and in all places that reveals that God exists and that He is intelligent, powerful, and transcendent.” Scriptures such as Psalm 19:1–4 and Romans 1:20 clearly state that certain things about God can be understood from His creation around…
If our salvation is eternally secure, why does the Bible warn so strongly against apostasy?
The Bible teaches that everyone who is born again by the power of the Holy Spirit is saved forever. We receive the gift of eternal life (John 10:28), not temporary life. Someone who is born again (John 3:3) cannot be “unborn.” After being adopted into God’s family (Romans 8:15), we will not be kicked out.…
What does it mean to receive Jesus Christ?
Many terms used in Christianity can be confusing to new believers or those seeking to know more about Jesus. One such phrase recurs often: “Receive Jesus Christ as your Savior.” What exactly does it mean to “receive” Jesus? Since Jesus lived, died, and rose again over two thousand years ago, how can we “receive” Him…
How can I stop questioning my salvation?
Doubts about our relationship with God plague most of us at some point. The reasons for questioning our salvation are many. Some reasons are valid; some are not. This article will explore some common reasons people question their salvation and offer biblical solutions for ending those tormenting thoughts. We must first define what salvation means…
Does it matter if I can’t remember precisely when I was saved?
Many Christians can remember precisely when they were saved: the date, the time of day, the exact location, the people involved, and the circumstances leading up to the moment of decision. Others are less clear: they remember the person who prayed with them and where they were, but they can’t remember the precise date, only…
What is conditional security?
“Conditional security” is a theological term used in reference to the salvation of believers in Jesus Christ. It describes the supposedly tentative quality of the Christian’s salvation. In other words, a Christian’s salvation is “conditionally secure.” This begs the question: upon what condition is the believer’s salvation secure? Proponents of conditional security assert that the…
What is the sinner’s prayer?
The sinner’s prayer is a prayer a person prays to God when they understand that they are a sinner and in need of a Savior. Saying a sinner’s prayer will not accomplish anything on its own. A true sinner’s prayer only represents what a person knows, understands, and believes about their sinfulness and need for…
Is a backsliding Christian still saved?
This is a question that has been debated endlessly over the years. The word “backslider” or “backsliding” does not appear in the New Testament and is used in the Old Testament primarily of Israel. The Jews, though they were God’s chosen people, continually turned their backs on Him and rebelled against His Word (Jeremiah 8:9).…
Is eternal security a “license” to sin?
The most frequent objection to the doctrine of eternal security (the belief that salvation cannot be lost) is that it supposedly allows people to live any way that they want and still be saved. While this may be “technically” true, it is not true in reality. A person who has truly been redeemed by Jesus…