Category: Salvation Clarified

Christianity-QA Salvation Salvation Clarified

What if I don’t feel saved?

This is an all-too-common question among Christians. Many people doubt their salvation because of feelings or the lack of them. The Bible has much to say about salvation, but nothing to say about “feeling saved.” Salvation is a process by which the sinner is delivered from “wrath,” that is, from God’s judgment against sin (Romans…

Christianity-QA Salvation Salvation Clarified

What are some of the signs of genuine saving faith?

This is one of the most important questions in the Christian life. Many believers doubt their salvation because they don’t see signs of genuine faith in their lives. There are those who say we should never doubt our decision to follow Christ, but the Bible encourages us to examine ourselves to see if we are…

Christianity-QA Salvation Salvation Clarified

If I feel no guilt for my sin, am I truly saved?

A true believer will yield certain evidences of his faith through his actions and attitudes, but we should not determine our spiritual status based on our feelings, including the feeling of guilt. A Christian will naturally be sensitive to sin and willing to confess it (1 John 1:9), but feelings of guilt are not a…

Christianity-QA Salvation Salvation Clarified

Is it biblical to ask Jesus into your heart?

“Do you want to be saved? Then just ask Jesus to come into your heart.” While this statement is not anti-biblical, neither is it expressly biblical. The wording generates a mental image that can easily lead to wrong impressions, especially among children, who tend to take things literally. Plus, the exhortation to “ask Jesus into…

Christianity-QA Salvation Salvation Clarified

Why is “accepting Christ” mentioned in evangelism when it is not in the Bible?

Ever since the New Testament era, Christians have found the need to coin new terms to simplify or explain various doctrines. We reference the Trinity and the protoevangelium, although neither term occurs in the Bible. While “accepting Christ” is not a phrase found in the Bible, it does have a biblical basis, just as Trinity…

Christianity-QA Salvation Salvation Clarified

Can a Christian “give back” salvation?

The short answer to this question is, no, a true Christian cannot “give back” salvation. Oddly enough, some who agree that a Christian cannot “lose” his salvation still believe that salvation can be “given back” to God. Some who hold this viewpoint will take Romans 8:38-39 and say that while nothing outside of us can…

Christianity-QA Salvation Salvation Clarified

How can I know that my future sins are forgiven?

When we accept Jesus as our Savior, God forgives all our sins: past, present, and future. Forgiveness comes as a total package; God does not forgive us partially but wholly. The believer in Christ can say, “My future sins are forgiven” for these reasons: • When Jesus died, all of today’s sins were yet future.…

Christianity-QA Salvation Salvation Clarified

Is it possible for a believer to unbelieve?

The question of whether a believer can become an unbeliever usually arises in an attempt to explain puzzling situations involving people we know. Someone who at one time made a profession of faith denies the faith. By all outward appearances, he was a believer involved in church life and perhaps even in ministry. So what…

Christianity-QA Salvation Salvation Clarified

What is easy believism?

Easy believism is a somewhat derogatory term used against the idea that salvation is by faith alone to the extent that those who trust in Christ are under no obligation to live transformed lives. Easy believism is not just holding to sola fide (“faith alone”). Rather, easy believism is a rejection of any degree of…

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