Category: The Truths of Salvation

Christianity-QA Salvation The Truths of Salvation

How can salvation be not of works when faith is required?

Our salvation depends solely upon Jesus Christ. He is our substitute, taking sin’s penalty (2 Corinthians 5:21); He is our Savior from sin (John 1:29); He is the author and finisher of our faith (Hebrews 12:2). The work necessary to provide salvation was fully accomplished by Jesus Himself, who lived a perfect life, took God’s…

Christianity-QA Salvation The Truths of Salvation

What does it mean to believe in Jesus?

“Do you believe in Jesus?” seems like a strange question. It sounds like the same question as “Do you believe in Santa Claus?” or “Do you believe in aliens?” But the question “Do you believe in Jesus?” is asking far more than “Do you believe that Jesus Christ existed/exists?” The true meaning of the question…

Christianity-QA Salvation The Truths of Salvation

What is free grace?

Free Grace Theology is essentially a view of soteriology grown from more traditional Baptist roots. It was systematized by theologians such as Dr.’s Charles Ryrie and Zane Hodges in the 1980s, mainly as a response to Lordship Theology or Lordship Salvation, which has its roots in Reformed theology. Today, Free Grace is still going strong,…

Christianity-QA Salvation The Truths of Salvation

Why is justification by faith such an important doctrine?

The teaching of justification by faith is what separates biblical Christianity from all other belief systems. In every religion, and in some branches of what is called “Christianity,” man is working his way to God. Only in true, biblical Christianity is man saved as a result of grace through faith. Only when we get back…

Christianity-QA Salvation The Truths of Salvation

If I struggle with a habitual sin, does that mean I am not saved?

On this side of heaven, every Christian will struggle with sin. The apostle John writes to believers of every generation: “If we claim we have no sin, we are only fooling ourselves and not living in the truth” (1 John 1:8, NLT, see also 1 John 1:10). If Christians were destined never to wrestle with…

Christianity-QA Salvation The Truths of Salvation

What is lordship salvation?

The doctrine of lordship salvation teaches that submitting to Christ as Lord goes hand-in-hand with trusting in Christ as Savior. Lordship salvation is the opposite of what is sometimes called easy-believism or the teaching that salvation comes through an acknowledgement of a certain set of facts. John MacArthur, whose book The Gospel According to Jesus…

Christianity-QA Salvation The Truths of Salvation

What is the relationship between salvation and forgiveness?

When we accept Jesus as our Savior, we receive salvation and forgiveness. But that’s not all. The Bible says we also receive justification, redemption, reconciliation, atonement, propitiation, and regeneration. Each of these theological terms expresses wonderful truths about the blessing we receive when Jesus becomes our Savior. Salvation and forgiveness, while related, are not exactly…

Christianity-QA Salvation The Truths of Salvation

What does it mean that our sins are washed away?

When the Bible speaks of our sins being washed away, it means we are forgiven. Our sins, which had defiled us, are gone. By the grace of God through Christ, we are no longer spiritually corrupt; we stand justified before God. The concept of having our sins washed away is first introduced in the Old…

Christianity-QA Salvation The Truths of Salvation

Will God forgive me?

Are you feeling guilty and desperate? Mortified by some of the things you’ve done? Wondering if forgiveness is possible? The conviction of sin can bring us to a place of feeling helpless and hopeless. Our shame tempts us to think that no one, much less God, could forgive us. We might wonder how we can…

Christianity-QA Salvation The Truths of Salvation

What is sovereign grace?

Sovereign grace combines two of God’s attributes, His sovereignty and His graciousness. Both of these characteristics of God are so vast that many volumes have been written about each. Briefly though, the doctrine of sovereign grace is the melding of the two into a thrilling truth that gives us a glimpse into the mind and…

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