Category: Who can be Saved

Christianity-QA Salvation Who can be Saved

Do mentally ill people go to heaven?

The Bible does not specifically say whether or not mentally ill people go to heaven. However, there is some biblical evidence that anyone who is not able to make a decision for salvation is covered by Christ’s death. This is similar to how it is commonly believed that children are automatically taken to heaven when…

Christianity-QA Salvation Who can be Saved

What is the Book of Life?

Revelation 20:15 declares, “If anyone’s name was not found written in the book of life, he was thrown into the lake of fire.” The Book of Life, in this context, is the set of names of those who will live with God forever in heaven. It is the roll of those who are saved. This…

Christianity-QA Salvation Who can be Saved

Just how narrow is the narrow gate?

The narrow gate, also called the narrow door, is referred to by the Lord Jesus in Matthew 7:13-14 and Luke 13:23-24. Jesus compares the narrow gate to the “broad road” which leads to destruction (hell) and says that “many” will be on that road. By contrast, Jesus says that “small is the gate and narrow…

Christianity-QA Salvation Who can be Saved

Can a child who is conceived out of wedlock be saved?

In Deuteronomy 23:2, the Mosaic Law says, “The child begotten out of wedlock or incest shall not enter into the congregation of the Lord; even to his tenth generation shall he not enter into the congregation of the Lord.” What this was saying is the child born out of wedlock was illegitimate and unworthy of…

Christianity-QA Salvation Who can be Saved

Who can be saved?

Jesus clearly taught in John 3:16 that He will save anyone who believes in Him: “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.” This “whoever” includes you and every other person in the world. The Bible says…

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