Category: The Study of Sin

Christianity-QA Sin The Study of Sin

What does the Bible say about child sacrifice?

The horrific practice of child sacrifice has been committed throughout the world for thousands of years. Generally, the sacrifice of a child was intertwined with the worship of a pagan deity, often a fertility god. Worshipers sought to obtain a blessing from their god(s) or to confirm or complete a vow taken in the name…

Christianity-QA Sin The Study of Sin

What does it mean to take the Lord’s name in vain?

Although many people believe taking the Lord’s name in vain refers to using the Lord’s name as a swear word, there is much more involved with a vain use of God’s name. To understand the severity of taking the Lord’s name in vain, we must first see the Lord’s name from His perspective as outlined…

Christianity-QA Sin The Study of Sin

Why is idol worship such a powerful temptation?

Ultimately, the answer to this question is “sin.” It is the sin nature of man that causes us to worship modern idols, all of which are, in reality, forms of self-worship. The temptation to worship ourselves in various ways is a powerful temptation indeed. In fact, it is so powerful that only those who belong…

Christianity-QA Sin The Study of Sin

What is a foothold, spiritually speaking?

A foothold is a secure, strategic position from which one can advance. In World War II, Allied forces invaded Normandy, France, and established a beachhead—a foothold—behind enemy lines. That foothold allowed the Allies to create a base of operations and proved to be the springboard to victory in Europe. Absent this foothold in Normandy, the…

Christianity-QA Sin The Study of Sin

Is it okay to get tattoos if they are of a Christian nature?

As a background, please read our article on “What does the Bible say about tattoos and body piercings?”. Beyond the general theme of that article, there is the question of Christian tattoos. Do the same principles apply to tattoos that are of a Christian nature, such as a cross, a Christian slogan, or even a…

Christianity-QA Sin The Study of Sin

Does a son bear any responsibility for the sins of the father?

Ezekiel 18 makes it clear that God holds each individual responsible for his or her own sin. Verses 1 through 4 say, “The word of the Lord came to me: ‘What do you people mean by quoting this proverb about the land of Israel: “The parents eat sour grapes, and the children’s teeth are set…

Christianity-QA Sin The Study of Sin

Is corporate confession of sin biblical?

Corporate confession is what happens when a specific community comes together to confess before God a collective sin. A well-known example of corporate confession is found in Abraham Lincoln’s proclamation of a national day of prayer and fasting: “We have forgotten God. We have forgotten the gracious hand which preserved us in peace, and multiplied…

Christianity-QA Sin The Study of Sin

If we are born in sin, how is it fair for God to judge us for our sin?

A common accusation against Christianity is that it unfairly judges people. In particular, some people say that God sets us up for failure and then punishes us for the failure that He caused. If that were true, it would indeed be an unfair situation. Is that the way Christianity works? Does God unfairly judge us…

Christianity-QA Sin The Study of Sin

What does the Bible say about temptation?

Temptation, by its very nature, feels wrong. God’s moral law is written in the heart of every human being (Romans 1:20), and when a sinful temptation is introduced, our consciences immediately sense danger. However, the temptation itself is not the sin. Jesus was tempted (Mark 1:13; Luke 4:1-13), but He never sinned (Hebrews 4:15). Sin…

Christianity-QA Sin The Study of Sin

Did Christ die for all sin except for the sin of unbelief?

“He is the atoning sacrifice for our sins, and not only for ours but also for the sins of the whole world” (1 John 2:2). When the Bible says that Christ was the sacrifice for all sin, it does not mean that all sin was automatically forgiven. It simply means that the offering to secure…

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