What does the Bible say about doing drugs?
The Bible does not directly address any form of illicit drug use. There are no express prohibitions against cocaine, heroin, ecstasy (MDMA), or methamphetamines (Meth). There is no mention of marijuana, cannabis, peyote, magic mushrooms, or acid (LSD). Nothing is said about huffing, snorting, dropping, smoking, vaping, shooting, licking, or any other method of ingestion.…
How does the Bible describe a fool?
The Bible has much to say about fools. The word fool today usually means “a senseless fellow, a dullard.” The biblical definition has the added dimension of “someone who disregards God’s Word.” The Bible lists many characteristics of such a person, often contrasting him with one who is wise. Ecclesiastes 10:2 says, “The heart of…
Should a Christian have swag / swagger?
To swagger is to walk, strut, or behave in an overly confident and usually aggressive manner. To have swagger is to have an air of arrogance or selfish pride. The Bible often speaks of arrogance, haughtiness, and pride and presents them as negative characteristics. Mark 7:20–23 lists pride right alongside adultery and murder. An arrogant…
Is it wrong to swear to God?
Using the phrase I swear to God may be right or wrong depending on the context. In a court of law, those called to the witness stand traditionally place a hand on a Bible and swear before God to tell the truth. In such an instance, the holiness and power of God are called as…
What does the Bible say about bitterness?
Bitterness is resentful cynicism that results in an intense antagonism or hostility toward others. The Bible teaches us to “get rid of all bitterness, rage and anger, brawling and slander, along with every form of malice.” It then goes on to tell us how to deal with such bitterness and its fruits by being “kind…
What does the Bible say about ingratitude/unthankfulness?
The Bible says much about gratitude as well as the lack of it. God knows how we are made, and He designed us to thrive when we are humble, moral, and thankful. When we are arrogant, immoral, and ungrateful, we cannot have fellowship with Him, nor can we experience all it means to be created…
What does the Bible say about hacking?
Hacking is an unauthorized intrusion into a computer or a network. Hackers illegally bypass a computer’s security features in order to accomplish a goal that differs from the original purpose of the system. Many technologically savvy students become hackers and use hacking as a form of 21st-century vandalism. They like the challenge of seeing if…
What does the Bible say about pessimism?
Pessimism is the tendency to see the worst in things and expect the worst possible outcome. A pessimist is a person who sees the glass half empty and wants to point it out to others. Pessimists sometimes prefer to call themselves “realists”; however, reality is usually not as dark as they claim it is. Some…
What does the Bible say about littering?
Littering is the leaving of trash or other discarded items in places where they do not belong for someone else to dispose of. The Bible does not mention littering and never says, “Thou shalt not litter.” At the same time, it is abundantly clear that littering is not good and that a believer should not…
What are the consequences for blaspheming God?
The word blasphemy, meaning “the act of showing contempt or disrespect to God,” comes from the Greek word blasphemia, which appears repeatedly in the New Testament (e.g., John 10:36; Romans 2:24). Scripture also uses descriptions like “cursing God” (e.g., Revelation 16:11) and “speaking against” Him (e.g., Malachi 3:13) to describe the sin. The Bible-wide meaning…