Category: Spiritual Life

Christ’s Gifts Christianity-QA Spiritual Life

What is the meaning of life?

What is the meaning of life? How can purpose, fulfillment, and satisfaction in life be found? How can something of lasting significance be achieved? Many people have never stopped to consider these important questions. They look back years later and wonder why their relationships have fallen apart and why they feel so empty, even though…

Christianity-QA God in our Hearts Spiritual Life

Will God ever give up on me?

We tend to give up on people who repeatedly disappoint us. That is, after a certain number of letdowns, we stop trying to improve that person’s condition. We’ve tried everything—we’ve advised, encouraged, rebuked, begged, pressured, assisted, and more. All we get in return are empty promises and repeated disappointment. We can only take so much,…

Christianity-QA Spiritual Life Spiritual Life Essentials

What does it mean to be blessed?

Quite possibly, the most frequently used word in the Christian’s vocabulary is blessed. “Have a blessed day,” “blessed to be a blessing,” and “God bless you” are just a few of the ways we put it to use. It’s even common among unbelievers to describe themselves as “blessed.” Some people think of blessed as a…

Christianity-QA God in our Hearts Spiritual Life

What is a spiritual breakthrough?

The idea of a “spiritual breakthrough” is subjective, and the term itself is not found in the Bible. Generally speaking, a spiritual breakthrough is an experience of having reached a new level of spirituality, whatever that means to the person who is “breaking through.” The experience will be different depending on the person (and the…

Christianity-QA Spiritual Life Spiritual Warfare

How can I overcome a feeling of spiritual emptiness?

Unfortunately, all Christians have feelings of spiritual emptiness from time to time. Fortunately, God knew it would happen and has given us a lot of helpful advice in His Word. It is often sin that causes our feelings of spiritual emptiness—possibly the sin of apathy toward God or sluggishness in our daily lives. Also, how…

Christianity-QA Spiritual Life Spiritual Life Essentials

What is the meaning of the term Christian?

The followers of Jesus Christ were first referred to as “Christians” by the Gentiles of Syrian Antioch, and the name was more than likely meant as an insult (see Acts 11:26). In the New Testament, believers never refer to themselves as “Christians”; rather, they use such terms as brethren (Acts 15:1; 1 Corinthians 16:20, NAS),…

Christ’s Gifts Christianity-QA Spiritual Life

Christian liberty – what does the Bible say?

Christian liberty is found in the Bible in several concepts. For example, liberty for the Christian can mean that he or she has been freed from the penalty of sin by faith in Jesus Christ (John 8:31-36; Romans 6:23). Also, Christian liberty can refer to being freed from the power of sin in one’s life…

Christianity-QA Following God Spiritual Life

How can I become more Christlike?

Becoming more like Christ is the desire of every believer, and it is encouraging to know that God has the same desire for us. In fact, the Bible says that God “predestined [believers] to be conformed to the likeness of his Son” (Romans 8:29). Making us Christlike is God’s work, and He will see it…

Christ’s Gifts Christianity-QA Spiritual Life

What does the Bible say about inner peace?

The world places a priority on inner peace, and it offers thousands of suggestions to those who seek “peace of mind and soul.” Usually, the gurus of inner peace point to oneself as the source of peace. There is much talk of meditation, finding an “inner light,” and chakras. If we need any help from…

Christ’s Gifts Christianity-QA Spiritual Life

How can I increase my faith?

All Christians want, or should want, to increase their faith. But those who have given their lives to Christ have come to realize that success does not come from our own human attempts; we always fail. First Corinthians 4:7 reminds us, “What makes you better than anyone else? What do you have that God hasn’t…

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