What is exegetical theology?
Exegetical theology is a branch of theological study that critically interprets and explains biblical texts. Exegetical is derived from the Greek word exégeomai, which means “to lead out” or “to draw out.” Exegetical theology leads and draws out the meaning of Scripture by analyzing a given text’s language, context, and historical background. It is a…
When can a doctrine be considered truly biblical?
A doctrine can only be considered truly biblical when it is explicitly taught in the Bible. An issue could be unbiblical (opposed to the teachings of the Bible), extra-biblical (outside of or not mentioned in the Bible), biblically based (connected to the teachings of the Bible), or biblical. An unbiblical doctrine is any teaching that…
What is biblical theology?
Biblical theology is the study of the doctrines of the Bible, arranged according to their chronology and historical background. In contrast to systematic theology, which categorizes doctrine according to specific topics, biblical theology shows the unfolding of God’s revelation as it progressed through history. Biblical theology may seek to isolate and express the theological teachings…
What is a theologian / theologist?
The term theologian comes from two Greek terms: theos, which means “God,” and logos, which means “reason.” (Logos is the word from which we get our word logic.) A theologian is one who studies (reasons about) God. The term theologist means the same thing, although it is not used much these days. Some people are…
How is theology “the queen of the sciences”?
In Europe during the High Middle Ages, schools of higher learning utilized the trivium (grammar, logic, and rhetoric) and quadrivium (arithmetic, geometry, music, and astronomy) of classical liberal arts. It was in this environment that theology was named “queen of the sciences.” Theology as Science When we think of “science,” we usually think of the…
What are the definitions of some common theological terms?
The study of any piece of literature must begin with a study of the vocabulary of that piece of literature; that is, we must understand the words used in order to understand the work as a whole. A study of Scripture will uncover many terms that need to be properly defined to ensure proper interpretation.…
What is Fideism?
Fideism is the idea that religious faith and reason are incompatible with each other. It is the view that religious faith is separate from reason and cannot be reconciled with it. According to fideism, faith involves a degree of absolute certainty and personal commitment that goes beyond what can be rationally justified. Therefore, one cannot…
What is the definition of mercy?
Mercy describes a divine attribute of God’s nature—He is “rich in mercy” (Ephesians 2:4), and His “mercy is great” (2 Samuel 24:14; see also Daniel 9:9). Mercy is revealed in the actions God takes to relieve suffering and demonstrate His faithfulness and steadfast love. Mercy is such an exceptionally complex concept that several Hebrew and…
What does the motto “faith seeking understanding” mean?
The motto “faith seeking understanding” is considered one of the classical definitions of theology. The statement is originally translated from the Latin fides quaerens intellectum. “Faith seeking understanding” means that faith in God revealed in Jesus Christ prompts a questioning search for deeper understanding. The exact phrase “faith seeking understanding” was introduced by Anselm of…
What is common grace?
The doctrine of common grace pertains to the sovereign grace of God bestowed upon all of mankind regardless of their election. In other words, God has always bestowed His graciousness on all people in all parts of the earth at all times. Although the doctrine of common grace has always been clear in Scripture, in…