What is the dispensation of Grace?
In the dispensation of Innocence, God worked face to face with His highest creation, made in His own image. After the fall of Adam and Eve, mankind was no longer innocent, and God appealed to humans to use their divinely implanted consciences to do right. That brought in the second dispensation (Conscience), which lasted for…
What is the dispensation of Law?
While the Abrahamic Covenant continues and has not yet been completely fulfilled (even to this day), God changed course with His chosen people Israel at Mt. Sinai. God added the Law, and with it a new dispensation, which had a beginning and an ending (Romans 10:4). The fifth dispensation is that of Law—Exodus 19:5 to…
What is Reformed Theology?
Broadly speaking, Reformed theology includes any system of belief that traces its roots back to the Protestant Reformation of the 16th Century. Of course, the Reformers themselves traced their doctrine to Scripture, as indicated by their credo of “sola scriptura,” so Reformed theology is not a “new” belief system but one that seeks to continue…
What is the dispensation of Conscience?
Dispensationalists see that God has worked with different people in different times in different manners. Usually, seven dispensations are identified: Innocence, Conscience, Government, Promise, Law, Grace, and Millennial Kingdom. Each dispensation reveals a six-fold pattern involving the stewards of the dispensation, their responsibility, a specific period of time, a failure, the resulting judgment, and God’s…
Are Israel and the church the same thing?
This topic is one of the more controversial in the Church today, and it has significant implications regarding the way we interpret Scripture, especially concerning the end times. More importantly, it has great significance in that it affects the way we understand the very nature and character of God Himself. Romans 11:16-36 records the illustration…
What is progressive covenantalism?
Progressive covenantalism is a biblio-theological system articulating God’s redemptive plan from Adam to Christ. Progressive covenantalism emphasizes God’s progressive revelation through covenants and the fulfillment of His promises in Christ. Moreover, progressive covenantalism identifies Israel as God’s old covenant people and the church as His new covenant people. Theologians like Peter Gentry and Stephen Wellum…
What is amillennialism?
Please note, this article is written from an amillennial perspective. As a ministry, GotQuestions.org rejects amillennialism. We truly and fully believe in premillennialism, that Christ will return to establish His kingdom, over which He will reign for 1,000 years. However, we believe that genuine Christians can hold an amillennialist viewpoint. In no sense is amillennialism…
What is Covenant Theology?
Covenant Theology isn’t so much a “theology” in the sense of a systematic set of doctrine as it is a framework for interpreting Scripture. It is usually contrasted with another interpretative framework for Scripture called “Dispensational Theology” or “Dispensationalism.” Dispensationalism is currently the most popular scriptural interpretative method in American evangelicalism, and has been so…