Category: Topical: Alternative Spirituality

Christianity-QA Topical Topical: Alternative Spirituality

What does the Bible say about breaking generational curses?

The Bible mentions “generational curses” in several places (Exodus 20:5; 34:7; Numbers 14:18; Deuteronomy 5:9). God warns that He is “a jealous God, punishing the children for the sin of the fathers to the third and fourth generation of those who hate me.” It sounds unfair for God to punish children for the sins of…

Christianity-QA Topical Topical: Alternative Spirituality

What is the meaning of Friday the 13th?

Friday the 13th occurs from one to three times per year when the 13th day of any month falls on a Friday. The fear of Friday the 13th is called “paraskevidekatriaphobia,” a word derived from the Greek words Paraskeví (Friday) and dekatreís (thirteen), attached to phobia (fear). Some people are so paralyzed by paraskevidekatriaphobia that…

Christianity-QA Topical Topical: Alternative Spirituality

Is there any spiritual significance to goosebumps?

Goosebumps are an involuntary and natural physical reaction to cold, fright, sudden startle, or feelings of excitement when the muscles at the base of the hair follicles contract. The contraction causes the hairs of the body to stand up on end or bristle, raising bumps on the surface of the skin at the same time.…

Christianity-QA Topical Topical: Alternative Spirituality

What is parapsychology?

Parapsychology is the study of paranormal activity—clairvoyance, ESP, telepathy, hauntings, etc. It has been classified as a pseudoscience, that is, parapsychology is quackery mistakenly regarded as being based on the scientific method. Parapsychologists are supported largely by private donations, and their work is not accepted by the scientific community as legitimate. After over a century…

Christianity-QA Topical Topical: Alternative Spirituality

What is a jinx?

A jinx is something (or someone) thought to bring bad luck. To jinx something is to bring misfortune to it. Often, jinxes are spoken of in unserious contexts; for example, the “curse of the Bambino” was a jinx supposedly affecting the Red Sox as a result of their trading Babe Ruth to the New York…

Christianity-QA Topical Topical: Alternative Spirituality

Is there any reason to fear going into a cemetery / graveyard?

Cemeteries have long been viewed as spooky, mostly due to the mysterious nature of death. Graveyards and tombs have provided the setting for countless tales of ghosts, devils, and crimes, leading many to fear cemeteries as haunted places filled with danger. The subject of death is uncomfortable for most people, but the Christian should have…

Christianity-QA Topical Topical: Alternative Spirituality

Are mermaids mentioned in the Bible?

Mermaids are mythical sea creatures with the upper body of a female human and the tail of a fish. Their male counterparts are called mermen. A mermaid’s demeanor ranges from seductive to sinister, depending on the legend. These creatures have been a part of sea lore since man began sailing the oceans. Tales of mermaids…

Christianity-QA Topical Topical: Alternative Spirituality

Should a Christian be interested in conspiracy theories?

Who killed JFK? What is the Illuminati? Do 5G networks cause the coronavirus? Is QAnon true? What is adrenochrome? Was there equipment on the space shuttle that caused earthquakes? If God reveals the answer to any of these speculations, we should be thankful He has brought light to our mysteries. If not, we should leave…

Christianity-QA Topical Topical: Alternative Spirituality

What does the Bible say about dowsing?

Dowsing, also called “water witching,” is a method of locating underground water or buried treasure by tapping into what dowsers call spiritual energy. Dowsing involves different methods, but often the dowser holds a forked rod with the straight end pointed toward the ground. It is believed that the rod moves up or down when the…

Christianity-QA Topical Topical: Alternative Spirituality

Does the Bible say anything about teleportation?

Teleportation is the act of instantly moving from one location to another without physically traveling the distance in between. It is definitely theoretical, although there have been some recent scientific advances in teleporting energy (not matter). But, for now, teleportation is science fiction. The transporter in Star Trek and the mutant Nightcrawler in the X-Men…

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