Can a Christian be cursed?
The Bible tells us that, “like a fluttering sparrow or a darting swallow, an undeserved curse does not come to rest” (Proverbs 26:2b). This means that curses made against innocent persons have no effect. The one declaring the curse against the innocent might as well try to dictate where a sparrow in flight should land.…
What does the Bible say about soul ties?
The phrase “soul ties” is not in the Bible; rather, the idea of soul ties is a man-made speculation which some teachers superimpose onto Scripture in an attempt to explain certain human behaviors. Soul ties are said to be connections from one person’s soul to (or into) another person’s soul, a concept that has no…
What does the Bible say about applied kinesiology?
Applied kinesiology, or muscle testing, is a method developed in 1964 for the purpose of diagnosing medical conditions, detecting energy imbalances, elucidating nutritional deficiencies and allergies, and determining prescribed therapies. Applied kinesiology is a form of alternative or naturopathic medicine. According to the handbook Applied Kinesiology Muscle Response in Diagnostic Therapy and Preventive Medicine, the…
What does the Bible say about energy healing?
In a world where people are constantly grasping for deeper meaning, deeper spirituality, and a higher purpose, energy healing is one more New Age philosophy that presents itself as very desirable to human beings. Born with sin, we all come into the world with the strong belief that we are the center of the universe—that…
What does the Bible say about smudging?
Smudging imitates a Native American ceremony in which certain herbs are burned to purify or “bless” a home in order to rid it of negative energy and restore positive, healing energy. People can be “smudged,” too. The practice of smudging is not mentioned in the Bible. Smudging is usually done with smudge sticks, bundles of…
What does the Bible say about extrasensory perception (ESP)?
Extrasensory Perception (ESP), also known as “sixth sense” or “second sight,” is defined as “the ability to receive information mentally, through the mind, rather than through the physical senses.” Intuition, telepathy, psychometry, clairaudience, clairvoyance, and precognition or retrocognition are all psychic abilities that fall within the definition of ESP. The scientific community largely rejects the…
Can a Christian burn incense?
At first glance, it seems pretty innocent to use incense. Other than a possible fire danger, is burning incense really a problem for the one who has put his or her trust in Jesus Christ? First, some history. Evidence points to the use of incense for religious purposes in ancient Egypt, China, India and the…
Are there such things as aliens or UFOs?
First, we should define the terms alien and UFO. For the purposes of answering this question, the word alien or aliens refers to person-like living things from somewhere other than Earth. Likewise, we will use UFO to refer to a vehicle used by such beings. The acronym UFO literally stands for “Unidentified Flying Object.” But…
What is shifting / reality shifting?
Shifting in viral slang is short for reality shifting. The goal of shifting is to travel from one’s CR (current reality) to one’s DR (desired reality) through meditation, visualization, and other practices. Shifting involves separating one’s consciousness from the body and entering an “alternate” reality or an alternate universe. Popular desired realities include Hogwarts School…
Does the Bible say anything about clairvoyance?
Extrasensory perception (ESP) is the ability to receive information in the mind that did not come through any of the five recognized senses: seeing, hearing, touching, tasting, and smelling. It is called “extrasensory” because it is seen as a sixth sense by which a person gains knowledge. There are several subcategories of extrasensory perception, such…