What is the ark of the testimony?
The first mention of the ark of the testimony is in Exodus 25:10. God gave Moses specific instructions for building a tabernacle as they traveled in the wilderness. The tabernacle would be the place where the glory of God would dwell among His people (Exodus 25:8–9). Among hundreds of other descriptive instructions for this tabernacle,…
What does dayspring mean in the Bible?
The term dayspring is only found in two places in the Bible and is used primarily in the King James Version (KJV) or Bible versions published before the second half of the twentieth century. Dayspring is an archaic word meaning “dawn” or “morning.” The King James Version uses the word dayspring in Job 38:12: “Hast…
What does quicken mean in the Bible?
The word quicken is used in the King James Version of the Bible, and it means “revive or make alive.” If something is living, it is “quick”; to “quicken” something is to bring it to life or restore it to a former flourishing condition. The phrase the quick and the dead contrasts the word dead…
What is a holy convocation?
A convocation is a summoned assembly. The holy convocations commanded in the Mosaic Law were held on special religious days that required a gathering of God’s people. Some translations call the holy convocations in the Law “sacred assemblies.” Some examples of holy convocations in the Bible are Sabbaths (Leviticus 23:2–3); Pentecost (Leviticus 23:21); Passover (Exodus…
What is spiritual death?
Death is separation. A physical death is the separation of the soul from the body. Spiritual death, which is of greater significance, is the separation of the soul from God. In Genesis 2:17, God tells Adam that in the day he eats of the forbidden fruit he will “surely die.” Adam does fall, but his…
What is spiritual sickness?
The Bible does not talk about spiritual sickness, except in metaphorical terms. Spiritual sickness can be thought of as an unsoundness of spirit, caused by sin. Just as physical sickness weakens the physical body, spiritual sickness weakens the spirit. Unbelievers are “spiritually sick” because they are separated from the Lord and stand in need of…
What is the meaning of the word hallelujah?
The word hallelujah is most familiar in the context of the “Hallelujah Chorus” from Handel’s Messiah. Hallelujah is a Hebrew word meaning “praise ye YAH (Yahweh).” Hallelujah, as a transliteration, appears four times in the NIV and NASB (Revelation 19:1–6)—it takes the form “alleluia” in the King James Version. In modern parlance, both hallelujah and…
What is the meaning of travail in the Bible?
Travail is hard work, especially work that causes pain or requires an extra amount of exertion. Travail is often used in the Bible, in translations such as the King James Version, the English Revised Version, and the American Standard Version, to refer to the toil and pain a woman experiences in giving birth (e.g., Genesis…
What does the Bible mean when it refers to emulations?
To emulate is to imitate. Emulations, as used in some older translations of the Bible, is an obsolete word meaning “jealous competition” or “ambition driven by envy.” Sinful emulation is a greed-driven desire to “imitate” someone’s success or share their wealth; it is a “keeping up with the Joneses,” immersed in covetousness. In the KJV…
What is adoration in the Bible?
Adoration is the deep love and respect paid to someone we revere, especially as it pertains to a divine being. In the Bible, adoration is required of any and all who profess to know God. Adoration is akin to worship or paying homage. Most versions of the New Testament do not use the word adoration…