What is a neologism?
A neologism is a new word or expression. All language is fluid. The way words are used and the meanings conveyed by those words change over time. Some words drop out of usage, and others enter the language. When a new word is introduced and begins to gain acceptance—but before it is so widely accepted…
What is pedagogy?
Pedagogy is the discipline of study related to the field of education and teaching methods. The word is derived from the Greek paidagogia—“to lead a child”—which was, in turn, taken from paidagogos or “teacher of boys.” In the Greco/Roman culture, a paidagogos was a slave responsible for the education of boys. Paidagogos is mentioned three…
What is an evangelist?
An evangelist is someone who proclaims good news; in other words, a preacher of the gospel or a missionary. A person with the gift of evangelism is often someone who travels from place to place to preach the gospel and call for repentance. The human authors of the four Gospels—Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John—are sometimes…
What is spikenard in the Bible?
Spikenard was an expensive perfume mentioned in the Song of Solomon (1:12; 4:13–14) and in the gospels’ accounts of women anointing Jesus (Mark 14:3; John 12:3). The word spikenard is found in the King James Version; other translations simply say “pure nard.” Spikenard had a strong, distinctive aroma, similar to an essential oil, that clings…
What is love?
Love can be a challenge to define at the level of how a person experiences it. Love can involve personal affection, sexual attraction, platonic admiration, brotherly loyalty, benevolent concern, or worshipful adoration. To accurately answer the question “what is love?” we need to go to the origin of love. The Bible tells us that love…
What is the definition of exhortation?
Exhortation is defined as “an urging done by someone close beside.” Paul instructs Timothy, saying, “Until I come, give attention to the public reading of Scripture, to exhortation and teaching” (1 Timothy 4:13). The word most often translated “exhort” or “exhortation” comes from the Greek word paraklésis, which means “to call to one’s side; to…
What is the meaning of the Greek word dunamis in the Bible?
The Greek dunamis is used 120 times in the New Testament. Loosely, the word refers to “strength, power, or ability.” It is the root word of our English words dynamite, dynamo, and dynamic. In the Parable of the Talents (Matthew 25:14–30), the servants are given wealth based on their dunamis, or their “ability” to handle…
What is the definition of a miracle?
The biblical definition of a miracle would be something like this: “an event that involves the direct and powerful action of God, transcending the ordinary laws of nature and defying common expectations of behavior.” Miracles are extraordinary occurrences that can only be attributed to the supernatural work of God and demonstrate His involvement in human…
What is a bulwark in the Bible?
A bulwark is a fortified wall or something that provides protection or support. The term bulwark is used primarily in the King James Version of the Bible. For example, “Mark ye well her bulwarks” (Psalm 48:13). “Thou shalt build bulwarks against the city that maketh war with thee” (Deuteronomy 20:20). “He made in Jerusalem engines,…
What is a cupbearer?
Historically, a cupbearer was a high-ranking official in charge of serving the king. It was primarily the responsibility of a cupbearer to serve the wine to the royal table. Since kings were concerned about plots to poison them, cupbearers had to guard the cup carefully and would sometimes taste the drink before serving it to…