Category: Topical: Specifics

Christianity-QA Topical Topical: Specifics

Is the jackal mentioned in the Bible?

Jackals are mentioned several times in the Bible (Isaiah 13:21–22; 35:7; Lamentations 5:18; Jeremiah 9:11; 49:33; Psalm 44:19; Ezekiel 13:4). The word jackal can refer to several species of carnivorous animals inhabiting Africa and Asia. They are kin to the wolf and dog and are known for feeding on the kills of other animals. They…

Christianity-QA Topical Topical: Specifics

What does the Bible say about lawyers?

The Bible does not say anything about lawyers as we know them today. Israel was under the legal jurisdiction of Rome during Jesus’ time, so when the Bible mentions “teachers of the law” (Luke 5:17) or “lawyers” (Luke 14:3, ESV), it is referring to the religious leaders who were experts in the Mosaic Law. The…

Christianity-QA Topical Topical: Specifics

What is a vow of silence?

A vow of silence is a practice in which an individual commits to not speaking or talking for a specific period of time, usually for spiritual or meditative purposes. The practice has been observed by many religious orders throughout history, both Christian and non-Christian. For example, the ancient Greek philosopher Pythagoras required his students to…

Christianity-QA Topical Topical: Specifics

What does the Bible say about being a man?

The world offers conflicting views of what being a man is all about. Some say that being a man requires grit, square-jawed determination, a working knowledge of weaponry, and, preferably, rock-solid abs. Others say that manliness is about getting in touch with one’s feelings, caring for the less fortunate, and being sensitive. Still others would…

Christianity-QA Topical Topical: Specifics

What is a eulogy?

A eulogy is a speech (or a piece of writing) that praises a person, event, or thing. Most often, we think of a eulogy as a speech at a funeral given to honor the deceased. Eulogy comes from the Greek eulogia, meaning “good speech” or “fine language.” The Bible does not say anything specifically about…

Christianity-QA Topical Topical: Specifics

What is the Jesus drug (dimethyltryptamine)?

Dimethyltryptamine, also known as DMT, is a naturally occurring psychedelic compound. Like other psychedelic drugs, when ingested, dimethyltryptamine produces “trips” or hallucinations. What is unique about dimethyltryptamine is that the hallucinations it produces are remarkably consistent. People who take dimethyltryptamine as a psychedelic drug consistently report clear, detailed visions of encounters with strange beings in…

Christianity-QA Topical Topical: Specifics

What does the Bible say about setting goals?

The Bible offers a balanced approach to setting goals that includes making plans yet doing so with wisdom and humility. Jesus’ illustration of building a tower implies that it is a good thing to have set goals (Luke 14:28). To live with no motivation or planning is not God’s desire. Proverbs 6:6-11 says, “Go to…

Christianity-QA Topical Topical: Specifics

Is it wrong to kill spiders or step on bugs?

There is no biblical prohibition against killing insects, bugs, spiders, or other such creatures. The Old Testament Law even went so far as to separate out the clean insects that the Israelites could eat from the unclean insects that they couldn’t—eating bugs is one way to get rid of them! “All flying insects that walk…

Christianity-QA Topical Topical: Specifics

How many times has God sent fire from heaven?

Fire has come down from heaven several times in history. The Bible records at least six of these instances: Fire fell from heaven and destroyed Job’s flocks (Job 1:16). This was a direct attack from Satan, but, as the earlier part of Job 1 explains, Satan was acting with the permission of God (verse 12).…

Christianity-QA Topical Topical: Specifics

What does the Bible say about order vs chaos?

Our God is a God of order, who does all things well. “God is not a God of disorder but of peace” (1 Corinthians 14:33). With God, disorder and chaos give way to order and peace. We see both order and chaos in the first book of the Bible, Genesis. In the beginning, God started…

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