Category: Government and Worldview

Christianity-QA Government and Worldview Worldview

What does the Bible say about corporal punishment as practiced by governments?

There are three forms of corporal punishment (physically painful correction): that administered by parents, corporal punishment applied by the school system, and judicial corporal punishment overseen within the prison system or directed by court order. Such judicial corporal punishment might include scourging, such as Paul and Silas received in Philippi (Acts 16:23); beating with a…

Christianity-QA Government and Worldview Worldview

How should a Christian view fascism?

According to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary, fascism is “a political philosophy, movement, or regime that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition.” The greatest example of fascism is, of course, Nazism in…

Christianity-QA Government and Worldview Worldview

What was the Moral Majority?

The Moral Majority was a conservative political organization in the United States founded in June of 1979 by the Baptist minister Jerry Laymon Falwell (1933—2007). The group’s primary objectives were to inform and mobilize a conservative, predominantly Christian base of voters to elect morally upright candidates to office, to restore Judeo-Christian values in America, to…

Christianity-QA Government and Worldview Worldview

What is the definition of a theocracy?

A theocracy is a form of government that is led by God or by a person or persons who claim to rule by divine authority. The word theocracy is a compound word using theos (Greek for “God”) and -cracy (“rule, strength or government”). The nation of Israel was to have been a theocracy, but they…

Christianity-QA Government and Worldview Worldview

What does the Bible say about women leaders in government?

The question of whether a woman should lead a nation as President, Prime Minister, or any high governmental office is one that is not easily answered biblically. For one thing, the Bible has much to say about the roles of Christian men and women in the home and in the church—where the man is the…

Christianity-QA Government and Worldview Worldview

What is the divine right of kings?

The divine right of kings is a Christian-flavored version of ancient pagan attitudes toward kings and emperors. In its most well-known form during the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, the divine right of kings claimed monarchs are ordained to their position by God, placing them beyond criticism and making rebellion against them a sin. The theory…

Christianity-QA Government and Worldview Worldview

What is the Christian Coalition of America?

The Christian Coalition of America is a grassroots conservative political organization advocating for the rights of people of faith in the United States. The original entity, the Christian Coalition, was founded by Marion Gordon “Pat” Robertson (1930—2023) in 1987 to mobilize and inform Christian voters. The advocacy group is comprised of supporters from various Christian…

Christianity-QA Government and Worldview Worldview

Is the United States a Christian nation?

Among issues debated in modern politics, few are more controversial than the role of religion. The United States, in particular, finds this subject provocative. The very question “Is the United States a Christian nation?” can be a source of debate, because the term Christian nation can be taken to mean several different things, causing the…

Christianity-QA Government and Worldview Worldview

How should a Christian view the civil rights movement?

In summary, what the Bible teaches about the civil rights movement is this: it should never have been necessary. Beginning with the kidnapping and chattel slavery of millions, on through the hateful attitudes that prevented neighbors from using the same drinking fountain, the attitudes and actions that led to a culture where the civil rights…

Christianity-QA Government and Worldview Worldview

How should a Christian view politics?

If there is anything that will spark debate, if not an outright argument, it is a discussion involving politics—even among believers. As followers of Christ, what should be our attitude and our involvement with politics? It has been said that “religion and politics don’t mix.” But is that really true? Can we have political views…

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