Category: Worldview and Philosophy

Christianity-QA Worldview Worldview and Philosophy

What is personalism?

Personalism, a philosophical and theological perspective that places the concept of the person at the center of its inquiry, emerged in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. Personalism was a response to various forms of impersonalism, such as materialism, collectivism, and naturalism. The sharp contrast between personalism and impersonalism highlights the significance of personalism…

Christianity-QA Worldview Worldview and Philosophy

What are internalism and externalism?

Internalism and externalism are opposing views of epistemological justification: the question of whether belief in an idea is reasonably supported. In broad strokes, internalism suggests that aspects of the mind—properties of the thinker himself—are inseparable from justification and are ultimately the only reasonable measure of it. Externalism is the belief that reasons independent from the…

Christianity-QA Worldview Worldview and Philosophy

What is the definition of idealism?

In popular culture, an idealist is generally defined as “a person who sees the world as it could be rather than as it currently exists.” An idealist is full of hope, even to the point of impracticality; Don Quixote was an idealist. However, that definition has little to do with idealism as a philosophy. Idealism,…

Christianity-QA Worldview Worldview and Philosophy

What is anti-intellectualism? Is Christianity anti-intellectual?

The term anti-intellectual was popularized by historian Richard Hofstadter in the 1960s. The concept has since been broadly applied, often well beyond its initial meaning. Describing something as “anti-intellectual” is always negative. This makes misuse of the term even more confusing. All people, of all spiritual and political persuasions, can engage in anti-intellectualism. However, neither…

Christianity-QA Worldview Worldview and Philosophy

What is conceptualism?

Conceptualism is a philosophical theory that supposes universals, that is, qualities, relationships, and numbers, exist only within the mind. Conceptualists insist that the reality of abstract concepts is limited within a mental framework. Outside of the mind, these universals, principles, and concepts are unsubstantial. For illustrative purposes, let us examine the question, “What is art?”…

Christianity-QA Worldview Worldview and Philosophy

What was the Enlightenment, and what impact did it have on Christianity?

The Enlightenment is often referred to as the “Age of Reason” and developed in the early-to-mid-17th century from three primary geographical hubs; France, Germany, and Great Britain (including Scotland). The Enlightenment was marked by changes in thought that contrasted sharply with the philosophies of preceding eras. Enlightenment thinkers cast off much of the religious, philosophical,…

Christianity-QA Worldview Worldview and Philosophy

What is dialectical materialism?

The phrase dialectical materialism rarely comes up in conversation; however, it is related to more-commonly discussed concepts such as Marxism, communism, and socialism. According to dialectical materialism, human ideas are purely the result of physical interactions, most especially those related to economics, and are constantly in a process of change. Initial ideas generate contradictions or…

Christianity-QA Worldview Worldview and Philosophy

What is Epicureanism?

Epicureanism was a Greek philosophy started by Epicurus (341—270 BC). It was still going strong in New Testament times when Paul visited Athens on his second missionary journey. One of the groups that debated with Paul on the streets of Athens was Epicurean (Acts 17:18); later, this group brought Paul to the Areopagus for further…

Christianity-QA Worldview Worldview and Philosophy

What impact did René Descartes have on the Christian faith?

René Descartes is known as one of history’s greatest thinkers. He is credited with exerting profound influence on mathematics, science, and philosophy. It could be said that his impact on the Christian faith was a ricochet: a Christian worldview deeply affected Descartes’ approach, and his approach resulted in notable contributions to Christian thought. Descartes emphasized…

Christianity-QA Worldview Worldview and Philosophy

What is a Christian view of reason?

Often, both Christians and skeptics assume that Christianity has little to do with reason and relies solely on faith, often termed “blind faith” or “faith without evidence.” They agree with Benjamin Franklin, who said, “The way to see by faith is to shut the eye of reason” (Poor Richard’s Almanack, Peter Pauper Press, 1987, p.…

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