Category: Worldview and Philosophy

Christianity-QA Worldview Worldview and Philosophy

What is the false cause fallacy?

A false cause fallacy occurs when someone incorrectly assumes a causal relationship between two things; the name of the fallacy is fairly literal. Any time someone thinks, “A causes B,” without a sufficient reason to believe that B is truly caused by A, it’s an example of the false cause fallacy. Specific versions of false…

Christianity-QA Worldview Worldview and Philosophy

What is generalism?

Generalism is a term with varied meanings, depending on context. As most commonly understood, a generalist is someone who possesses a broad range of skills, as opposed to a narrow, refined expertise. In ethics, however, generalist refers to someone who believes that universal moral principles apply in all situations. This type of generalism is essentially…

Christianity-QA Worldview Worldview and Philosophy

What is the principle of sufficient reason?

The principle of sufficient reason is closely related to cosmological arguments for the existence of God. Its name is somewhat confusing. In this phrase, reason has been used to either mean “explanation” or “cause,” and these two definitions lead to drastically different conclusions. The principle of sufficient reason can be generally stated as “every fact,…

Christianity-QA Worldview Worldview and Philosophy

What is simulation theory?

Occasionally, a philosopher or scientist will suggest our reality is not “real.” While this is a common theme in science fiction and fantasy, some propose it might be true in the actual world. Their claim—or at least, their question—suggests that all of reality is actually a simulation, that what we think of as “real” is…

Christianity-QA Worldview Worldview and Philosophy

What impact did David Hume have on the Christian faith?

David Hume (1711—1776) was a philosopher and historian of the Enlightenment. His major philosophical works are A Treatise of Human Nature (1739—1740), Enquiries Concerning Human Understanding (1748), and Concerning the Principles of Morals (1751), as well as his posthumously published Dialogues Concerning Natural Religion (1779). David Hume is sometimes called “The Scottish Skeptic” because he…

Christianity-QA Worldview Worldview and Philosophy

What is solipsism?

Solipsism is the belief that anything other than one’s own mind is uncertain to exist. This can involve anything from skepticism about one’s senses and experiences, to belief that anything outside of the mind is non-existent. As with any abstract philosophical view, it has thousands of different varieties and applications. Assorted versions of solipsism have…

Christianity-QA Worldview Worldview and Philosophy

What is constructivism?

The term constructivism has more than one meaning, depending on the topic at hand. As it relates to the Bible, relevant uses of constructivism involve either educational methods or epistemology, which is the subject of how we know what is true. Other uses of the term are either less relevant to Scripture or have less…

Christianity-QA Worldview Worldview and Philosophy

How should a Christian view the intellect?

The Bible says that God is a Being with intellect (Romans 11:34), and He has made a well-ordered universe in which truth can be known and logical rules applied. God is the Creator of the human intellect, giving us the ability to comprehend, think, reason, and remember. In Isaiah 1:18, God invites us to “reason…

Christianity-QA Worldview Worldview and Philosophy

What is particularism?

As with many words, the term particularism carries different meanings in different contexts. Particularism has been applied to sub-categories within diverse subjects such as politics, literature, history, ethics, and religion. Each of these topics brings a separate meaning to particularism, heavily influencing whether or not the idea is biblically justified. There are three areas in…

Christianity-QA Worldview Worldview and Philosophy

What is Aristotelianism?

Aristotelianism is the name given to philosophy derived from the works of Aristotle, one of the most important ancient Greek philosophers. Aristotle’s era blurred the line between the modern concepts of “philosophy” and “science.” As a result, Aristotelian ethics takes the same general approach as Aristotelian biology, physics, politics, and aesthetics. This intermingling is important…

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