What does the Bible say about favoritism?
Favoritism is partiality or bias. To show favoritism is to give preference to one person over others with equal claims. It is similar to discrimination and may be based on conditions such as social class, wealth, clothing, actions, etc. The Bible is clear that favoritism is not God’s will for our lives. First, favoritism is…
Why are Christians pro-life when it comes to abortion while at the same time in favor of the death penalty and supportive of war?
The primary problem with this question is that it attempts to create a moral equivalency between abortion, the death penalty / capital punishment, and war. There is absolutely nothing equivalent about an innocent baby’s life being taken in the womb and a convicted murderer being executed. A baby in the womb has committed no crime.…
Why should Christians be pro-life?
The term pro-life is generally defined as “opposed to abortion”; sometimes, an opposition to euthanasia is also mentioned as part of the definition. Christians are pro-life—and they should be—but most of them would rather be known for what they stand for rather than what they oppose. Here are some reasons why Christians are pro-life: Life…
Is there a difference between sex and gender, biblically speaking?
Until the 1950s, the idea of differentiating between sex and gender was completely foreign to the medical and psychological communities. After all, aside from extremely rare instances, every human being has either two X chromosomes, and is therefore biologically female, or an X and a Y chromosome, and is therefore biologically male. It was not…
How should Christians view gender-affirming care?
Jesus Christ commanded His followers to love other people, an instruction that extends to those who identify as transgender (Matthew 22:39). Obeying this command means caring for people as He did, which includes desiring their freedom from the enslavement of sin (John 8:36; Galatians 5:1). Since gender-affirming care amplifies the sin of transgenderism and intensifies…
What does the Bible say about restitution?
Restitution is a biblical concept, and there are passages in both Old and New Testaments that reveal the mind of God on this subject. In the Old Testament, the Israelites were under the Law, which specified restitution in a variety of circumstances: “If a man steals an ox or a sheep and slaughters it or…
How should a Christian view the Roe v. Wade decision?
On January 22, 1973, in a decision known as Roe v. Wade, the United States Supreme Court ruled that a woman had a constitutional right to abort her baby. The ruling effectively legalized abortion nationwide. The Court found that a right of privacy was “broad enough to encompass” a right to abortion. The case was…
Why are Christians homophobic?
By definition, homophobia is fear of homosexuals, but its meaning has been broadened to include hate for homosexuals. Correspondingly, being homophobic tends to manifest itself through an outward demonstration or behavior based on such a feeling. This, in turn, sometimes leads to acts of violence or expressions of hostility. The truth is that homophobia is…
What does the Bible say about justice?
“Let justice roll on like a river, righteousness like a never-failing stream!” (Amos 5:24). Justice is a major theme in Scripture, which contains many calls for justice and commands to worship God for His justice. Justice has to do with conduct in relation to others. Just behavior accords with what is morally right and fair.…
How should a Christian view the #metoo movement?
In 2006, civil rights activist Tarana Burke introduced the phrase me too as a way to help women who had experienced sexual harassment realize that they were not alone. A decade later, the #metoo movement erupted across cyberspace in response to a tweet posted by actress Alyssa Milano suggesting that all women who had been…