What is intersectionality, and is it biblical?
Intersectionality is a term used to describe how different forms of discrimination can interact and overlap with each other. In recent years, it has become a feminist buzzword. As a concept, intersectionality deals with the cumulative societal effects of systemic discrimination on people who belong to more than one disadvantaged group. For example, a woman…
Can a Christian support PETA?
PETA is an acronym for People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals. According to their website, PETA is an international organization formed in 1980 that is “dedicated to establishing and defending the rights of all animals. PETA operates under the simple principle that animals are not ours to eat, wear, experiment on, or use for…
Does God hate gays / homosexuals?
There is a “church” in the United States that promotes the slogan “God hates fags.” This group pickets gay parades, gay bars, gay events, gay funerals, etc. This group also sometimes protests at military funerals, claiming that the soldier was killed because the USA is supporting the homosexual agenda. Is there any truth to their…
How should a Christian view Planned Parenthood?
Believers in Jesus Christ enjoy broad freedom in our spiritual lives. Certain issues see sincere, God-honoring Christians agreeing to disagree. However, there are sensible limits to any freedom. Christian liberty does not extend to endorsement of sin (Romans 1:32). Agreeing to disagree does not require acceptance of evil (Isaiah 5:20). When it comes to organizations…
What is a “clobber verse” or a “clobber passage”?
Progressives, both religious and non-religious, accuse conservative Christians of misusing certain verses in the Bible to attack homosexuals and others in the LGBTIQA+ community. These “clobber verses” or “clobber passages,” wrested from their context, make people feel beaten down, abused, and, well, “clobbered” over their sexual inclinations and behaviors. The following are often identified by…
What does the Bible say about revenge?
The Bible has a great deal to say about revenge. Both the Hebrew and Greek words translated “vengeance,” “revenge,” and “avenge” have as their root meaning the idea of punishment. This is crucial in understanding why God reserves for Himself the right to avenge. The key verse regarding this truth is found in the Old…
What is Amnesty International?
Amnesty International is an activist organization working to secure and defend human rights around the world. The official website of Amnesty International USA says they are “a global movement of millions of people demanding human rights for all people—no matter who they are or where they are. We are the world’s largest grassroots human rights…
Are Christians guilty of hate speech?
A working definition of hate speech is “speech that is intended to insult, intimidate, or cause prejudice against a person or people based on their race, gender, age, sexual orientation, political affiliation, occupation, disability, or physical appearance.” If that is the accepted definition, a Christian should never participate in hate speech. However, the problem is…
Should a Christian observe Earth Day?
Established in 1970, Earth Day is celebrated on April 22 each year. It is a day for people around the world to show their support for environmental protection, and it is often filled with events that encourage care for the earth (such as tree planting or recycling efforts) and educate participants on the environment and…
What does the Bible say about sexism?
Sexism is discrimination against people, typically women, based solely on gender. Sexism can influence hiring practices, educational opportunities, social standing, and one’s mental well-being. In ancient times, sexism was the accepted social norm in most civilizations. Women were considered second-class citizens and in some cultures were treated like slaves by their husbands. Since the Bible…