Category: Worldview on Social Issues

Christianity-QA Worldview Worldview on Social Issues

Is abortion always sin?

The term abortion is highly charged, and rightfully so. Yet the word carries different meanings in different contexts. The word abortion, as it appears in medical literature, is much broader than the term as used in common conversation. Neither definition necessarily matches how statutory laws refer to “abortion.” The medical definition is “the removal of…

Christianity-QA Worldview Worldview on Social Issues

How should Christians react to persecution against the LGBTQ community?

The most insidious temptation related to seeing others being persecuted is apathy. As Christians, when we see members of the LGBTQ+ community being persecuted, we have a responsibility to act. Jesus said, “Love your neighbor” (Luke 10:27). It doesn’t matter what our neighbor’s opinion is on moral or sexual ethics, the command applies. Loving those…

Christianity-QA Worldview Worldview on Social Issues

What does the Bible say about classism?

Classism is prejudice toward or against groups of people based on social class. Classism includes bias based on racial, economic, educational, or ethnic standards. In countries such as India, classism is such an integral part of the culture that people rarely question it. Higher castes would never consider marrying or even associating with those of…

Christianity-QA Worldview Worldview on Social Issues

What is black pill ideology?

Black pill ideology involves two major ideas. First is that women choose sexual partners entirely through appearance-based instinct. Second is that men lacking proper traits are hopelessly doomed to frustration. The term black pill is a play on the “blue pill/red pill” concept from the 1999 movie The Matrix. In that film, choosing to take…

Christianity-QA Worldview Worldview on Social Issues

What does the Bible say about the death penalty / capital punishment?

The Old Testament law commanded the death penalty for various acts: murder (Exodus 21:12), kidnapping (Exodus 21:16), bestiality (Exodus 22:19), adultery (Leviticus 20:10), homosexuality (Leviticus 20:13), being a false prophet (Deuteronomy 13:5), prostitution and rape (Deuteronomy 22:24), and several other crimes. However, God often showed mercy when the death penalty was due. David committed adultery…

Christianity-QA Worldview Worldview on Social Issues

What does the Bible say about stereotypes?

A stereotype is an oversimplified, widely held belief about a person or group of people. Stereotypes are firmly held assumptions based on generalizations (whether true or not), limited interactions with a person or group, or even hearsay. Some examples of stereotypes are “French people are the best lovers,” “women can’t drive,” and “all Irish people…

Christianity-QA Worldview Worldview on Social Issues

What is toxic masculinity?

Toxic masculinity is an expression common in popular culture, frequently applied with a bias contrary to its original intent. When misused, these two ideas, “toxic” and “masculine,” are assumed to be one and the same. Rather than implying an inappropriate concept of maleness, toxic masculinity typically implies that all things masculine are inherently toxic. It’s…

Christianity-QA Worldview Worldview on Social Issues

Does the Bible talk about hierarchy in society?

As a history of humanity, the Bible often refers to the hierarchy of various societies. Very early in history, we can see stratification in society, with landowners being separate from laborers, slaves, and foreigners in a region. In most ancient societies, widows and orphans also ranked among the lowest in the hierarchy. Ancient Israel, like…

Christianity-QA Worldview Worldview on Social Issues

How should Christians view the 4B movement?

The 4B movement is a largely online social community of women who vow to live life apart from men. The name “4B” comes from the concept’s origins in South Korea. In the Korean language, the prefix bi- is a negative, and the 4B movement’s principles are biyeonae (“no dating [men]”), bisekseu (“no sex [with men]”),…

Christianity-QA Worldview Worldview on Social Issues

How should a Christian view global warming?

The phrase global warming has faded from use, having been almost entirely replaced by the term climate change. The topic is subject to intense disagreement and debate. Unfortunately, discussions tend to follow political and social lines, rather than lines of evidence, reason, and Scripture. God appointed humanity to be the steward of this world (Genesis…

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