Do Muslims call Allah “Father”?
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Islam gives Allah 99 names, but not one of the names is Father. Jesus, however, called God Father and taught His disciples (meaning “followers”) to pray to God as Father (Matthew 6:9).
How can you be a disciple of Jesus? And how can you come to God as Father? Find out by reading the Scripture passage John 8:31-59 . Yes, go ahead and read now.
From that passage, we find out the following:
• To be a disciple of Jesus, you must hold to His teaching (John 8:31).
• The truth of Jesus’ teaching sets His disciples free (John 8:32).
• Jesus, the Son of God, can set free those who were slaves to sin (John 8:34-36).
• Those who refuse to hear, love, and believe Jesus—the truth—show that they belong to the devil—the father of lies (John 8:42-47).
• Those who keep Jesus’ word have eternal life (John 8:51).
• God glorifies Jesus (John 8:54).
• Abraham looked forward with joy to the coming of Jesus (John 8:56).
• Having existed before Abraham was born, Jesus is the eternal Son of God (John 8:58).
How do you respond? The Jews who heard Jesus responded by trying to stone Jesus, thinking He was guilty of blasphemy. Muslims, too, would say a man claiming to be God would be guilty of “shirk.” But Jesus is not a mere man claiming to be God. He is the Son of God!
The Son of God is the only one who can set you free from slavery to sin. Although the punishment for sin is eternal death in hell, Jesus died on the cross in the place of believing sinners to give them eternal life in heaven (Romans 6:23; John 3:16).
Those who receive Jesus as the Savior from sin and Lord of life become children of God the Father. “He [Jesus] was in the world, and though the world was made through him, the world did not recognize him. He came to that which was his own, but his own did not receive him. Yet to all who received him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God— children born not of natural descent, nor of human decision or a husband’s will, but born of God” (John 1:10-13; see also Ephesians 2:1-19).
Jesus is the only way to God the Father in heaven. “Jesus answered, ‘I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me’” (John 14:6).
Islam gives Allah 99 names, but not one of the names is Father. Jesus, however, called God Father and taught His disciples (meaning “followers”) to pray to God as Father (Matthew 6:9). How can you be a disciple of Jesus? And how can you come to God as Father? Find out by reading the Scripture…
Islam gives Allah 99 names, but not one of the names is Father. Jesus, however, called God Father and taught His disciples (meaning “followers”) to pray to God as Father (Matthew 6:9). How can you be a disciple of Jesus? And how can you come to God as Father? Find out by reading the Scripture…