What does the Bible say about transferring spirits?
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The idea of “transferring spirits” is that someone can transfer an evil spirit to another person by touching or being near him. Those who teach this concept tell others not to associate with friends or family members who might transfer such a spirit into them. There is no scriptural basis for the concept of transferring spirits by touching or being near another person or by any other method. Of course, we can be affected by negative attitudes or sinful behaviors in others, but to identify these as spirit beings that can be transferred to others is unbiblical.
The Bible says there are two types of spirit beings, the unfallen, holy angels and the angels that followed Satan in his rebellion. Angels that have not sinned are called ministering spirits (Hebrews 1:14), and we are told that God sends them forth to minister to those that will be heirs of salvation, that is, those that believe in Christ as Savior. Angels that joined Satan in his rebellion are reserved in darkness (Jude 1:6) and constitute the horde of spiritual beings (demons) dedicated to evil.
The Bible records only one instance of demons being transferred from one living creature to another. It happened when Jesus transferred the legion of demons from the possessed men into the herd of pigs (Matthew 8:28-34). Jesus did not repeat this miracle, nor did He ever warn His disciples (or us) about transferring spirits. There is no reason for a born-again believer in Christ to fear Satan or his fallen angels. If we resist him, he will flee from us. “Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you”(James 4:7). As true believers, our body is the temple of the Holy Spirit. We can be confident that the Holy Spirit will not tolerate a demon in His temple.
The idea of “transferring spirits” is that someone can transfer an evil spirit to another person by touching or being near him. Those who teach this concept tell others not to associate with friends or family members who might transfer such a spirit into them. There is no scriptural basis for the concept of transferring…
The idea of “transferring spirits” is that someone can transfer an evil spirit to another person by touching or being near him. Those who teach this concept tell others not to associate with friends or family members who might transfer such a spirit into them. There is no scriptural basis for the concept of transferring…