What is the biblical stance on artificial insemination?
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Artificial insemination, also known as intrauterine insemination (IUI), is a medical procedure in which a man’s sperm is implanted in a woman’s uterus at precisely the right time and in precisely the right location in order to increase the chances of pregnancy. While it is usually used in conjunction with fertility medicine in women, this is not always the case. Artificial insemination is different from in-vitro fertilization in that fertilization occurs inside the woman and in a more natural way, while in-vitro fertilization occurs outside the womb, and then the fertilized egg(s) are implanted in the woman’s uterus. Artificial insemination does not result in unused or discarded embyros. Artificial insemination does not have as high a success rate as in-vitro fertilization, but many Christians view it as a much more acceptable alternative.
Should a Christian married couple consider artificial insemination? The Bible always presents pregnancy and having children positively (Psalm 127:3-5). The Bible nowhere discourages anyone from seeking to have children. The fact that artificial insemination does not have the moral dilemmas of in-vitro fertilization would seem to make it a valid alternative. So, if artificial insemination increases the chances of an otherwise infertile couple having children, it would seem to be something a Christian married couple can prayerfully consider.
Some object to all fertility options due to the fact that such procedures supposedly do not take into account God’s sovereignty. But God is just as capable of preventing pregnancy after artificial insemination (and in-vitro fertilization, for that matter) as He is of preventing pregnancy after normal sexual intercourse. Artificial insemination does not “overrule” God’s sovereignty. Nothing overrules God’s sovereignty. As proven by the account of Abraham and Sarah, God is capable of enabling a reproductively dead woman to get pregnant and have a healthy baby. God is absolutely sovereign over the reproductive process. If it is God’s sovereign will for a woman to get pregnant, she will get pregnant. If it is not God’s sovereign will, she will not get pregnant, no matter what methods the couple attempts.
Yes, a Christian married couple can prayerfully consider artificial insemination. As in all things, a couple considering artificial insemination should ask God for wisdom (James 1:5) and very clear leading from the Holy Spirit.
Artificial insemination, also known as intrauterine insemination (IUI), is a medical procedure in which a man’s sperm is implanted in a woman’s uterus at precisely the right time and in precisely the right location in order to increase the chances of pregnancy. While it is usually used in conjunction with fertility medicine in women, this…
Artificial insemination, also known as intrauterine insemination (IUI), is a medical procedure in which a man’s sperm is implanted in a woman’s uterus at precisely the right time and in precisely the right location in order to increase the chances of pregnancy. While it is usually used in conjunction with fertility medicine in women, this…